The type of glass edgework that’s right for you depends on how your glass will be used, any surfaces on which it may be resting, & what appearance you like. The video below shows several types of edges and corners, and descriptions after the video provide additional information.
CLEAN CUT EDGES (often abbreviated CCE) are raw, unfinished cut glass edges; i.e. they’re sharp. Because it is an unfinished edge, thicker glass will likely show wavers or flares.
SEAMED or SWIPED EDGES have the sharpness of the cut edge removed, but are still unfinished, so they’ll show wavers & flares (particularly in glass 1/4″ and thicker). Seaming/swiping is done strictly a safety measure, to make cut glass easier to handle. It is recommended for use when the glass edge will be fully concealed after installation.

FLAT SHAPED EDGES are fully-finished and machined to a 90° profile. This is often used for desktop and tabletop glass. All sharpness, as well as flares and wavers, have been removed.
- FLAT GROUND EDGE (often abbreviated FGE) refers to a matte or satin finish.
- FLAT POLISHED EDGE (often abbreviated FPE) refers to a fully polished glossy edge.
PENCIL SHAPED EDGES are fully-finished and machined to a curved or arced profile. This is often used for thick desktop and tabletop glass. All sharpness, as well as flares and wavers, have been removed.
- PENCIL GROUND EDGE (often abbreviated PGE) refers to a matte or satin finish.
- PENCIL POLISHED EDGE (often abbreviated PPE) refers to a fully polished glossy edge.

BEVELLED EDGES are sloped polished edges, often seen in mirrors. They are also sometimes seen in the glass inserts in coffee tables. Bevel width can be between 1/2″ and 1-1/4″.
FLAT v. PENCIL: What's right for you?
The difference between a flat-treated edge and a pencil-treated edge is largely one of cosmetics, and is a matter of personal preference. On thick glass — particularly 3/8″ and thicker — a pencilled edge (particularly pencil polished) looks quite striking, while on thinner glass the visual difference between flat and pencil profiles is quite subtle.
POLISHED v. GROUND EDGES: What's right for you?
If you’re using a glass top for a table or desk, the color of the wood surface will affect which edge finish will look best. A ground edge looks best on light-colored surfaces, and a polished edge looks best on dark-colored surfaces.
All fully-finished glass edges,including bevelled edges, are safe for handling. A bevelled edge is decorative feature, and is more often seen on mirrors than on desktop glass. It gives the glass/mirror a “framed” appearance, by creating a sort of border-line around the perimeter.
The cost of all glass & mirror edgework is directly related to complexity and time involved. The edge types described above are roughly in order of increasing cost. A ground edge is, in general, less expansive than a polished edge. Edgework done on straight edges is machined, and is considerably cheaper than edgework done on curved edges, as these must be done by hand.
DUBBED CORNERS have just the point of the corner quickly sanded off.
NIPPED CORNERS are a very slight angle, and can be thought of as large dubbed corners or small angled corners (see video).
ANGLED CORNERS are straight corner cuts. They are usually 45° angles, but do not have to be. Their size is determined by specifying the measurement of the cutback along each side.
RADIUS CORNERS are rounded corners, representing 1/4 of a circle whose radius is used to define the corner. For example, a 3/8″ radius produces a corner that is quite close to a U.S. dime coin; hence, it’s often called a 10¢ corner. Similarly, a 1/2″ radius produces a corner that is quite close to a U.S. quarter coin; hence, it’s often called a 25¢ corner.